We are happy to give you a glimpse into the success stories of recent years, which developed from the trusting, confidential cooperation.
Success Stories – Magdalena B. (executive in medium-sized enterprise)
First of all, I like to recommend MINDFUL BWL® for process consulting and business coaching. In the beginning, my goal was only to find a meaningful orientation for my task. As a senior interaction designer and user experience designer, I have already gained a lot of work experience. Nevertheless, I wondered if I wanted to remain an executive or project manager?
With my process companion, I associate prudence, humor and a pleasant accuracy and mindfulness. He also knows how to set momentum at the right moment. This is how his clients find an area of security and trust.
In addition, I have learned how to tailor leadership styles to the degree of maturity of employees. Moreover, I moved through a tetralemma of projects, ideas and desires. At the end of which I outlined an innovative business idea with the “Business Canvas”. As a result, I have come to realize that I love challenges and entrepreneurial creativity in my life.
Success Stories – Anne R. (freelancer in creative industries)
For some time now I have been in an intensive professional and private change phase. Despite the positive development, I always come across uncertainties that prevent me from taking decisive steps.
In my search for support, I found Frank Eckhoff, who invited me to a wing-wave® coaching.
His sensitive, friendly, patient and positive nature has helped me quickly to dismantle initial distrust of the hitherto unknown wing-wave® method.
Together, we have been able to find out the cause of the blockages while working on our current situation.
As a result, I feel strengthened and clear after the meetings. It is also worth noting that I can better protect and demarcate myself in required situations without losing my openness. Moreover, my self-awareness and self-esteem have increased.
I like to recommend the wing-wave®-Coaching at MINDFUL BWL, especially for people from the creative fields!
How does wingwave® Coaching work?
Success Stories – Manfred L. (CEO) and Tilen V. (COO)
The medium-sized stock corporation we managed was undergoing a fundamental change. Due to urgent investments in a production plant with 50 employees, we needed additional financing. However, the bank talks were unsatisfactory from our point of view.
The free business economists of MINDFUL BWL® believed in us. Because we had this full support with heart, hand and mind, we presented a strong investment plan to the financing partners. It is a true success story, especially since the 50 jobs are secured in a structurally weak region.
Therefore, we recommend MINDFUL BWL® in financing matters.
Success Stories – Andrea S. (Company founder in Berlin)
I had high use out of the wing-wave® coaching at MINDFUL BWL. Amazingly, my topic was finally palpable because my process consultant listened incredibly well and asked precise questions. I’m also impressed by his ability to listen carefully. Nothing escapes my process companion, which I find very remarkable. Moreover, he has managed to make my topic present and tangible for me. Then I got involved with the wingwave® method.
Now it is up to me to apply the learned tools. I’m in a good mood to do this.
Thanks to my process consultant for taking his time. He also put in a brief consultation when he noticed that I was currently dealing with another topic. That’s what makes a good business coach. Many Thanks!
We enjoy to get in touch with you!
To sum up, with these success stories in mind, we are grateful for the extraordinary experiences associated with them. In addition, cooperation with partners is a pleasant aspect of our work. We feel connected to the following institutions, business partners and companies.
Finde more on the official Homepage of GSG Berlin.