Mindful Leadership creates suitable solutions for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs).
The bank demands, demands, demands from you. How can you relieve yourself and make the right choice for the financing of your projects?
Likewise, your employees expect a lot from your leadership. How should a clear focus be given in the face of the great transformation?
Our focus: your benefit and original solutions for value-oriented SMEs.
What can MINDFUL BWL® do for you?
Mindful Business Economists & Coaches
The systemic management consultancy MINDFUL BWL®, headquartered in Berlin, specializes in financing and personnel management. At the same time, our special offer is the combination of the principles of mindfulness (defined by wikipedia) with those of today’s business administration (German abbr. BWL).
In addition, we use the vibrant and dynamic power of systems. Let us take an example of nature. Thus, within the forest ecosystem, there are constant actions, reactions, and interactions of the individual parts of the system, which are mutually dependent. Therefore, adaptation to the changed environmental conditions is possible on its own. Why should companies not be able to do that?

As a result, it is our concern to create original solutions for value-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Especially mindful businesses, the sustainable economy and family businesses are our preferred customer groups.
MINDFUL BWL® “Entrepreneur Talk”
In a 15-minute free consultation, we are at your side.
Immediately make an appointment.
MINDFUL BWL® “What does the Business Economist reply?”
On an equal footing with you, we will find the right solution for your needs in the area of financing or personnel management. Afterwards we will charge you at the hourly or daily rate.
Get an offer for consultation & coaching here.
MINDFUL BWL® “12-week program”
We support you to integrate the upcoming challenges – be it e.g. the digital transformation – into the corporate world. Since your company has great potential. As a result, all personnel shares the same vision and is going to pull together again – in the same direction. During, our “12-week program” the participants are going to agree on common goals.
Take the first step now – learn more and benefit.
Mindful Leadership – your sustainable way to economic success and brilliant performance
Together we create the decisive added value for your customers. Your investment is worthwhile!
Making a choice
As an entrepreneur, every day you have to make a variety of decisions. We support you to make a suitable choice yourself. Your strategic sovereignty creates trust among key stakeholders.
Being open to change
An entrepreneur who is open to everything becomes vulnerable. We help you to be aware of which impulses or ideas are welcome. Your clear orientation gives the work system stability and orientation.
Performing brilliantly
Your company has great potential. We help you to spur future-oriented processes in the company. Your organic corporate culture promotes high productivity and brilliant performance.

In which direction do you want to go? Which goal do you have in mind?
Our customers approach us with these topics
Our focus: Your benefits and original solutions for value-oriented SMEs. Below is a list of the most common advice occasions.
Mindful Leadership in human resource management
Employee branding
- Development of a personnel strategy – triggers are on the one hand the demographic change, on the other hand the shortage of skilled workers
- Renew recruiting process – because the CV is dead!
- Induction program – i.e., make good use of the probationary period
Personnel development
- youth development
- Employee appreciation / employee participation
- Coaching of skilled employees and executives
Organisational development – health
- Skilled labor supply – high turnover and downtime are the trigger
- Burnout prevention / stress management
- Healthy nutrition – on the one hand taking care of employees, on the other hand development of energy and personal performance
Organisational development – knowledge & competences
- Knowledge management / knowledge transfer
- Promoting creativity and innovation
- Facilitation of progress (e.g., sustainable transformation)
One thing is clear: companies are living and dynamic systems. Let us take an example of nature. Then many “friction losses” are avoidable – you do not believe that? Learn more about vibrant systems or directly request an offer for personnel or organisational development.
Mindful leadership for financial sources
Preparation and testing of planning documents
- Calculation of investment needs and profitability
- Checking the liquidity
- Analysis and evaluation of business plans
Development of a financing strategy
- Early clarification of suitable capital procurement
- possibly financing through redeployment of capital
- Exploitation of subsidies and grants
So, relieve yourself and keep your finances under control. We know how bankers tick. Get more information here or how can we support you?
Mindful Leadership – original solutions for value-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs)
Our focus: mindful leadership and original solutions for value-oriented small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs). Therefore, we are convinced that you recognize the value of our contribution by the following features:
1. Strategic sovereignty for you as an entrepreneur
2. Stability & Orientation for your work system brings high productivity
3. Organic corporate culture brings high-energy performance
4. Decision security for you as an entrepreneur
So, together we created the decisive added value for your customers. Your investment is worthwhile! Because every consultation that is tackled is a success – for your organization, for your customers and for all other involved parties.
In which direction do you want to go? Which goal do you have in mind?